Partnership for Sustainable Development in Music invites you to an industry day on April 22, 2024

Take part in the annual industry day on April 22, 2024, when the Partnership for Sustainable Development in Music shares new recommendations on Mental Health and Well-being in music and Equal Access in Danish music life and invites you to discuss concrete solutions.

The program is aimed at partners in the partnership and other relevant leaders in organisations, institutions, and companies across the Danish music scene who would like to support the work of the partnership.

Date: 22. April 2024 12.00-16.30
Sted: Rhythmic Music Conservatory, Leo Mathisensvej 1, 1437 Copenhagen


12.00-13.00: Arrival and refreshments

13-14.00: Part 1 – what we know:

  • Welcome by Henrik Sveidahl, principal at RMC and part of the steering group of the partnership (in Danish).
  • Presentation of recommendations to the Danish music scene on mental health and wellbeing based on the report ’When Music Speaks’ by Dr. George Musgrave and Dr. Sally Anne Gross, University of Westminster
  • Presentation of insights from partner’s reporting on the Code of Conduct for Equal Access in Music and suggested actions by Helene Aagard, CEO at Diversity Factor.

14.00-14.15: Break and networking

14.15-15.45: Part 2 – how will we tackle the challenges:

Participants are divided into groups based on their role in the music ecosystem, and building on the insights from the first part of the industry day, each group discusses the following questions:

  • What is our specific role, responsibility, and opportunity to contribute to solving the challenges?
  • What are good experiences that can be shared with others in the group?

15.45-16.30: Facilitated plenary discussion

16.30: Thank you for today

Register for the industry day by sending an email to