Take part in an industry day about mental health and equal access in Danish music

The music industry faces huge challenges in attracting and retaining a strong, diverse pipeline of talent. The solutions are to be found in every link of the value chain – from music schools to venues and music companies. The Partnership for Sustainable Development in Music believes that industry stakeholders can work together to develop the solutions required to strengthen the sustainable development of the music industry in future.

Against this background, the partnership has taken the initiative to organise a conference intended to inspire the entire music industry and discuss solutions to the industry’s challenges. The event host, Moussa Mchangama, strategic advisor and co-founder of In futurum, will moderate the day’s discussions and presentations, which will revolve around the themes of equal access and mental health and well-being in the music industry.

The industry conference will take place on 27 March 2023 from 11:00am to 4:00pm at VEGA.

Read the full programme and sign up your organisation or enterprise here.